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TRIEKOL – Applied Road and Rail Ecology

Hemsidan genomgår en omarbetning under sommaren 2024.


TRIEKOL är Trafikverkets forskningsprogram om transportinfrastrukturens inverkan på biologisk mångfald och landskapsekologi.

Målet med forskningen är att ta fram metoder och kunskap som transportsektorn behöver för att bibehålla, och om möjligt förbättra, ekologiska funktioner och kvalitéer i landskapet. Våra forskningsresultat används för utveckling av nya riktlinjer, planering av nya investeringsprojekt och vid utveckling av drift och underhåll av befintliga vägar och järnvägar.

Våra olika forskningsprojekt kan delas in i sju kategorier – klicka på det forskningsområde nedan som du är intresserad av att veta mer om. 

Våra forskningsområden





Nya naturvärden

Invasiva arter

Personer som undersöker ett äldre träds stam

Planering och policy

Nyheter från TRIEKOL


Nystartat nyhetsbrev

TRIEKOL har nu startat ett nyhetsbrev för att dela information om TRIEKOLs forskning och även andras kunskaper, exempel och erfarenheter inom praktisk infrastrukturekologi.

TRIEKOL-konferens i mars 2023

Konferensens presentationer tillgängliga

Nu återfinns presentationerna från TRIEKOL-konferensen 2023 på konferenssidan.

TRIEKOL-konferens i mars 2023

TRIEKOL-konferens i mars 2023

Vilka hot och möjligheter innebär vägar och järnvägar för den biologiska mångfalden? Om detta handlar denna skandinaviska TRIEKOL-konferens 2023.


Prenumerera på nyhetsbrev

TRIEKOL:s nyhetsbrev sprider kunskap och erfarenheter inom praktisk infrastrukturekologi. 

TRIEKOL III research

Wildlife adaptation of existing bridges

In this subproject we monitor and compare wildlife's use of existing bridges before and after wildlife adaptation. 

Level crossings and wildlife warning systems

In this subproject we monitor level crossings in terms of wildlife use and connectivity between roadsides, and the effect on wildlife accidents and driver behaviour.

Over- and underpasses for larger wildlife

In this subproject we monitor wildlife’s use of over- and underpasses and compare performance depending on different parameters.

Modeling of permeability and mortality effects on wildlife populations

In this subproject we apply a previously developed model to a real Swedish landscape, thereby validating the previous results. 

Effect of noise measures for birds

In this subproject we study the effects of noise mitigation along existing infrastructure near important bird habitats.

Amphibian passages

In this subproject we derived valuable results regarding effectiveness of amphibian mitigation measures in reducing roadkill and barrier effects.

Management and construction of road infrastructure habitats for biodiversity

In this subproject we analyse which environmental conditions that constitute ecological key factors for different biodiversity values in road infrastructure habitats.

Management and construction of rail infrastructure habitats for biodiversity

In this subproject we analyse which environmental conditions that constitute ecological key factors for different biodiversity values in railway infrastructure habitats.

Ecological functions of infrastructure habitats

In this subproject we use qualitatively identify different ecological functions of road and rail infrastructure habitats.

Passages for reindeer

In this subproject we study the reindeer’s use of existing bridges in Norrbotten, in dialogue with the Sami villages concerned. 

Wild boar and roads

In this subproject we study how wild boars move in relation to different types of roads and where mitigating measures could be motivated.

TRIEKOL I-II research

Barrier effects and fragmentation

Roads and railways split the landscape and constitute barriers for many species. Traffic is an immediate danger for animals trying to cross the roadway, but the traffic barrier may also have more long-term ecological consequences for populations. This subproject studied theses effects and connections.

Noise in natural areas

Both humans and wildlife are negatively affected by traffic noise. So far, this problem is dealt with mainly in the built environment. But also in natural environments technical noise is a serious disturbance factor. This subproject studied how traffic noise effects in valuable natural habitats can be identified.

Infrastructure habitats

Habitats created or emerged in connection with roads, railroads and other man-made environments, can be important in species conservation work. Many of these habitat types are otherwise rare or declining in the landscape, for example managed grassland, ponds, bare soil and trees along roads. This subproject studied these habitats and their biodiversity in several ways.

Model of infrastructure impacts

In order to better understand the effect of transport infrastructure in the natural environment, TRIEKOL developed a conceptual model. The model describes the effects of transportation infrastructure on biodiversity in a pedagogical and transparent way. This subproject describes the development of this conceptual model.


Work with biodiversity in transportation infrastructure means acting in the middle of several very different worlds. The fields of transport infrastructure and conservation of natural and cultural environments have different aims, vocabulary and organisation. Cooperation is the key to success. This subproject describes how cooperation can lead to successful projects.

Infrastructure impacts on protected areas

Ecological impacts of roads and railways extend into the surrounding landscape, leading to habitat degradation and reduced wildlife densities within an area larger than the actual road or railway corridor. As a consequence, natural values within large areas may be jeopardized due to transport infrastructure. This subproject studied the effects of infrastructure on protected areas.

Other minor projects

Some minor projects of importance for the transport sector to maintain and improve the ecological functions and qualities of the landscape were conducted during TRIEKOLs program period II: the importance of the convention on biological diversity and the concept of exclusion habitats was studied.

Contact us

For inquiries concerning TRIEKOL or TRIIAS, please contact the TRIEKOL coordinators.

The team

See the TRIEKOL and TRIIAS research team and contact persons at the Swedish Transport Administration.