For small and medium-sized animals, roads, railways and traffic can create barriers and be a significant mortality factor. This has impact on, i.a., species conservation and on the possibility for the Swedish Transport Administration to live up to the environmental goals.
Technical measures that can reduce these problems. This includes fencing, different types of small animal passages and creating new habitats. However, better knowledge about these measures is needed in order to say when and where they are justified and how they should best be designed.

Badgers and other smaller animals are often hit along major roads. Photo: J-O Helldin.
The project will make extensive use of available data. The researchers supplements this with own field studies of, i.a., fauna fences, culverts and ponds.
Reports and documentation will be applicable for updating regulatory documents.
Throughout the project period, there is close collaboration with the Swedish Transport Administration and with researchers in other R&D projects in the field of infrastructure ecology.
This project produces up-to-date knowledge of secured quality, about how to prioritize and design measures for medium-sized mammals and amphibians. This is done in order to increase the cost-effectiveness of measures and reduce the risks that these animals may face in the road and railway facilities.
The project delivers results for important trade-offs, guidelines, specifications and solutions that are scientifically well founded. It also gives suggestions for how they can be implemented by the Swedish Transport Administration.
Publications and outreach
This project has resulted in the following publications and outreach:
Nothing has yet been published in this project.